On 30 October 2013 03:58, Bearcat M. Şándor <bearcat(a)feline-soul.com> wrote:
I've been looking for a website that is not label specific that will
notify me when a band or other performer releases new music. I would love
it if i could go on to Amazon or discoggs or even lastfm, select Porcupine
Tree, or Cat Jahnke or Meshuggah and say "send me an email when they come
out with a new album."
Aren't there feeds or anything to do this with?
Wouldn't that be wonderful. I have a giant text-file with links to where I
go check if an artist has anything new out (metal-archives, discogs,
wikipedia, whatever), I find out about new releases often enough that I
have yet to use this text file at all, but sometime in the future....
I also have a bunch of rss feeds of bandcamp pages, that are in more active
Anyway, I looked for a place providing what you ask for many years ago, it
was the reason for the text-page springing into action, because I couldn't
find anything like what I wanted. That was many years ago, though, maybe
something has appeared since then.