Excerpts from fons's message of 2010-09-30 00:11:32 +0200:
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 11:33:37PM +0200, Philipp
Überbacher wrote:
Wow, those dips are pretty deep.. about 25 dB..
In theory they'd go to minus infinity. What is worse is that they
are also quite wide at the -3dB points.
Afaik, -3dB == cutoff frequency, at least with those passive electronic
single pole low/highpass filters. So If I understand that and read the
picture correctly, you refer to the frequency range between the cutoff
of the low-band and the lower cutoff of the mid-band, which is about
300Hz, as well as the upper cutoff of the mid-band and the cutoff of the
high-band, which looks even wider to me, about 400Hz.
Those poor notes, if they fall into those holes they'll have a hard time
coming out again :)
I also wonder a bit why the 3kHz dip is at 3.1kHz..
Do I
understand your hint correctly when I guess that if you invert the
mid band and add it at the right level the whole thing would end up more
or less flat?
Just inverting it will produce a sum response that is more or less
flat. It will have bumps of a few dB instead of the deep dips, but
this can be corrected to some degree by adjusting the filter params.
Just as I expected. Hurray for DSP by pictures :)