On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 23:49 -0400, Thomas Vecchione wrote:
Sorry I lost
track of the thread (please don't trim the '$PERSON
said...' line!).
Is this the config that works or hangs after loading the schedulers?
He not a matter of trimming it, mine doesnt set it up;) Primarily so I
dont accidently quote an entire long message and resend it to a list I
am a part of.
I can't make sense out of this statement, but it's extremely rude to
quote without attribution like this.
The aforementioned kernel config at...
Is a working config on a Tyan K8WE motherboard, with a single
Opteron(Even though it is compiled for SMP as I plan to add another,
possibly even upgrade to twin dual cores this summer) and patch with
Ingo's realtime preemption patch. I have had relatively few problems
running it, none that I believe to be a kernel issue. The ALSA modules
are compiled seperately to allow me to upgrade them easier.
Um, a working config is not helpful. I need the non-working config as
well (but I don't know who to ask for it as you've stripped all the
attributions from the email)!