Hi Carlos,
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Carlos Sanchiavedraz
<csanchezgs(a)gmail.com> wrote:
What a guitar-attached-controller! ;) It might be good
for controlling fx,
but maybe a little tricky to start recording a loop at the time you play
with your right hand.
Yes, triggering recording of loops was impossible in some contexts.
At that time I did not require a very tight loop sync so it was good
Anyway, really nice. Do you have the project
I am not sure what you mean by "project". Although I try to archive
as many performances as possible, I could not pinpoint today which
employed that gizmo. So I do not have any specific recordings. Else,
if you mean DIY project instructions, I never really compiled any. It
was just a spur of a moment thing when I ripped a joystick open,
bent-circuit it and fastened to the guitar with elastics. Not much
thought put into it, as long as it worked. The only documentation is
the set of pictures you saw on flickr.
Talking about wiimote and MIDI, keep track of a
project I'm involved that I
mentioned some time ago, wiimidi:
It's in its first steps, but I hope at the end it would be really easy and
useful for every kind of user.
That's cool. I have been using the [cwiidmote] in Pd but it is good
to know that other alternatives exist, especially since I hack python
occasionally as well.