Ivan K <ivan_521521@...> writes:
I want to write a simple application that can open a
.wav file
(stereo or mono), grab the header, and then read and dump
the sample values from a portion of the .wav file to an ascii data
file (I want to plot minute portions of the sound file with
application such as gnuplot).
FWIW, this task is incredibly easy in SuperCollider:
// Open an existing sound file
// Automatically parses the header
f = SoundFile.openRead(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
// Jump ahead to a given "sample frame"
// f.sampleRate "frames" always corresponds to 1 sec,
// no matter how many channels
f.seek(4410); // 0.1 seconds in
// Allocate space for the samples, and get them
// Channels are interleaved
d = FloatArray.newClear(50);
// Push them out to a text file
o = File("~/samples.txt", "w");
d.do { |sample| o << sample << Char.nl };
It's also possible to rework this (fairly minor adjustments) to run it from the
commandline. No time to do it at the moment -- maybe later, if anyone is