Simple answer, no.
It doesn't trash 'ALL' partitions. It formats root (like any other distro)
and ~/home.
To circumvent this, leave ~/home on the root partition during install and move
it afterwards to where you want.
It's really a great, smooth and fast running distro for audio work. Even though
you have to install a bunch of music apps to your liking afterwards. But I
prefer this approach to any other of the bloated 'trying to give you anything
that exists out there' kind of offerings.
Raphael ;)
Viktor Mastoridis wrote:
it trashes any partitions it uses, including
A simple question here: if I run AVLinux from the Live DVD, will it
erase the home folder?
"A mind is like a parachute -
It doesn't work if it's not open."
|- - - - - - - Frank Zappa - - - - - - -|