On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield
<gabriel(a)teuton.org> wrote:
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009, robert lazarski wrote:
Connect the Oasys to the IN on one of the midisport ports and start your
sequence. Meanwhile, do:
$ aseqdump --port=24:0
(or 24:1) and see if anything registers. If you see anything, then the MIDI
port is working and the problem is something else. If you're not getting
/anything/ -- then the problem is between the keyboard and ALSA. Otherwise,
it's probably a problem with using arecordmidi.
/home/iksrazal> aseqdump --port=24:0
Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
Source Event Ch Data
24:0 Note off 1, note 54, velocity 64
24:0 Clock
24:0 Clock
24:0 Control change 1, controller 10, value 13
Good, the Oasys to Linux seems to be working...
/root> arecordmidi --port 24:0 oasys.mid
I wonder if the tempo settings (man arecordmidi) have anything to do with
The Oasys sequence is playing at 78 bpm, but this didn't help:
arecordmidi --port 24:0 --bpm=78 oasys.mid &
Any other ideas?
- R