Hello, Gentleman--
There is a MIDI mapping file for each emulator, the
settings are global to all
of its memories
and it is saved every time you save a memory. The settings are reloaded when
the synth
restarts so if you set up the drawbar mappings for your MIDI controller and
save that memory
you will have them active next time you start the organ.
Thank you, Nick. i had tried this before writing, and it didn't work. i was
pressed for time, though, and my initial error could have been as simple as not
connecting Bristol to the MIDI controller after making the initial mapping to
the fader, closing Bristol, and then starting it, again. Everything worked,
this morning, and i've made an initial B3 setting in my controller.
If you have a complex set of options that you have to
give on the commandline
when you
start bristol then you can put them in your ${HOME}/.bristol/bristolrc file.
explains some of that but if you can't find the README file then post a reply
here and I
can give you some examples of the contents of this file too.
i doubt i'll need this, but it's always good to be prepared. i've printed
README--from startBristol -readme, i presume. After having it bound, i'll give
it a more thorough reading. Up to this point, i've been using it as a reference
manual to learn more about each synth. i would enjoy looking at any examples
you send, Nick, but let me dig around for a few days and see what i can learn.
i'll let you know when i'm ready.
Thank you, again, everybody.