{I don't know what level you're at... I think most of this stuff is on
Denemo, Notedit, Rosegarden... I'm pretty sure musictex does it
{ } Maybe some ABC stuff. Some
of it will require you to convert your files... I think most folk have automated
that in some manner though. Maybe the old Rosegarden as well.
On 21-Jun-2004 Atte Andr� Jensen wrote:
} Hi
} I need a program that lets me type in chords, select a style, hit play
} and get a midifile with drum and bass accompaniment for practicing. I
} looked around and although I found a few tools they all seem to be aimed
} at jazz (which I also play, so I'll look into the ones I found), but for
} this purpose I need something in faily straight-ahead pop/rock style. Is
} such a thing outthere? Or should I go for another more jazz oriented
} tool, and if so, which?
} Thanks in advance.
} I'm on debian if it matters...
} --
} peace, love & harmony
} Atte
E-Mail: RickTaylor(a)Speakeasy.Net
Date: 21-Jun-2004
Time: 17:49:36
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