I have a delta 1010lt, and had a lot of problems first. We couldn't really
solve them. We suspected that a slot was damaged and we just plugged it into
another slot, and from that day on my card runs perfectly. I think it is even
syharing its irq with my ethernet card. So if not tried already, do try to
change the slot. And another thing is: Don't use any alsa driver before 0.9.6
for your card. There was a bug - or more than one -, but this was mainly
solved in 0.9.6. But for good dshare, dmix and so on, better take 1.0.x
Btw.: If you're looking for a nice .asoundrc for your card, when it's up and
running, drop a note.
I hope that hleps in any way!
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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