On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Paul Davis <paul(a)linuxaudiosystems.com>wrote;wrote:
On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 8:31 AM, <jonetsu(a)teksavvy.com> wrote:
This is Ardour 1:2.8.14-1 (Linux Mint x86_64). I have now created
three new sessions, and at first I thought I did somethign wrong, but now
after creating another one I see that the specified directory I indicate
for a new session in the opening dialog shown when Ardour starts was
rightly chosen from the directory dialog box but still, the session was
created in the home directory instead.
this is a bug in the version of GTK you are using. the bug also exists in
the prebuilt versions of Ardour 2.x from
ardour.org, but NOT Ardour 3.0
which comes with an updated version of GTK.
i should probably mention that i don't believe that the fixed version of
GTK has been released yet.