On Wed, 07 Jul 2004 13:15:59 -0700
Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan(a)starband.net> wrote:
On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 09:28, Russell Hanaghan
I have used Freeverb a lot in previous
implementations of the CMT
LADSPA package and the last version of Ardour I was using was beta
11.1 I think.
I am using Arodur beta 17.1 now and all other LADSAP plugs,
including those in the CMT package, seem to be working fine but the
response of Freeverb has changed...the reverb time is now very short
and won't seem to adjust beyond a shortish plate type reverb. Before
you could get super monsterous reverb tails if wanted.
Has anything changed in the Freeverb module? Is there something new
in the Ardour package that might be causing this? I notice some new
panning thingys and such.
ANY help would be much appreciated. I tried every other reverb out
there...Tom's (TAP-Plugs) comes close but Freeverb is the smoothest
most realistic I have heard for my needs.
Just tried this in AMS 1.8.3...Freeverb is not working in AMS either
so I wan't to exclude Ardour as being any part of the problem here.
I tried TAP reverb in AMS and it works fine.
So what might have change in the CMT version of Freeverb? I
origianlly had CMT 1.15-2mdk.rpm installed. These are Mandrake
rpm's...I also downloaded CMT 1.15-3.mdk.rpm and installed and it is
the same thing. Any one know anything about the specifics of the CMT
package of LADSPA plugs that may be relevant?
The float denormal macro defined in Freeverb/Components/denormals.h
doesn't come out too well with recent gcc - I replaced it with this
(which turned up on this list during a discussion about denormal
static inline float
undenormalise(volatile float s)
s += 9.8607615E-32f;
return s - 9.8607615E-32f;
It should be fine after that.
Great! So ....Where the heck do I find this on my Mandrake 10.0 system?
Is it something I can edit in a file on my system with the present CMT
LADSPA install or is it more complex than that?
Thanks again.