On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 01:03:54 +0200 (CEST)
Julien Claassen <julien(a)c-lab.de> wrote:
There's another big GM-soundfont, which is called fluid revesion 3
(fluidr3), I don't know if this can still be downloaded.
For harp, I think there are a few nice soundfonts at hammersound as well.
I got FluidR3 fairly recently but forget where. If you have difficulty
finding it let me know and I'll see if I can drop my copy somewhere you
can pick it up (it's a bit big to send by email, even compressed).
For something like I Bodhran I was able to get ZynAddSubFX to create
quite a good effect, but then no two Bodhrans sound alike!
Will J G