On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Arnold Krille <arnold(a)arnoldarts.de> wrote:
While I do encounter the odd failure in updates every
now and then, the number
of catastrophic failures (possibly resulting in data-loss) has been zero with
SuSE, Gentoo and ubuntu (*). The hours spent getting watching one system to
upgrade while working with another where much better used then the hours spent
setting up a new system with all the small quirks and settings to re-create my
needed working environment.
I always keep my /home directory on its own partition, so even
changing to a different flavor of Linux doesn't mess up my local
settings. I've upgraded my current studio machine several times, and
with different distros (Fedora, Debian, Gentoo and currently using
UbuntuStudio) but have never lost any data (and I keep ALL audio
projects on a completely separate drive, and of course regular backups
are made).
Brett W. McCoy --
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
it would overturn the world."
-- Jelaleddin Rumi