Brad Fuller wrote:
Cesare Marilungo wrote:
By the way, I'm working on some squeak
morphics to manipulate music
and output data via OSC (eg. envelopes, pianorolls, knobs).
On a different note I recall your squeak-audio message:
Cesare Marilungo wrote:
I just wanted to tell you that I've finally
managed to do what I need.
I can make squeak talk to PureData via OSC and control other MIDI apps
from there. Anyway one of the most interesting uses of squeak (and
music) I can think about is to make GUIs and front-ends for PureData
How is this going? Are you going to make this available on SqueakSource?
It is going slowly. :-) I'm doing a lot of things at the same time,
like most people here, I guess. I'll made a release as soon as I'll have
something interesting to show.
I'm working on independent morphics so you can use them for whatever
else you want. There are already some nice music related morphics in
squeak. But they're too tied to the built-in music functionalities which
basically are just the midi protocol, sample playback and fm synthesis.
For other developers interested in this, there's a very easy to use
foreign function interface to call whatever library you want from within
Anyway my idea is to use squeak as some sort of interactive sequencer
(but using mainly OSC instead of MIDI) where a squeak project ( a .pr
file) will be the equivalent of a document.