On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 06:18:03PM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
On Sun, 2007-08-19 at 22:14 +0200, Matthias Schönborn
> Are there any people here who are recording to systemdisks with no problems?
My laptop has only one disk, but I'm using a dedicated audio file partition.
Never had any problems of this sort.
... the systemdisk was
incapable of recording even 6 tracks at once without this error; the
other disk could do 64 without breaking much of sweat. the difference? i
don't know, but if i had to point a finger i'd point it at the OS
install fragmenting the disk allocation in ways that made it impossible
for the filesystem to allocate new, large, contiguous blocks in an
efficient way. this is just a guess. i really don't know the reason.
Did you have a separate partition for the audio files ?
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