Am Don, 2003-12-11 um 12.44 schrieb Daniel James:
Daniel, just
out of interest, how much mail do you get as a result
of your linux and linux-flavoured articles you've written
Not a great deal, but my experience from writing for LinuxUser is that
out of every 10,000 readers maybe only one will ever write to say how
much they enjoyed the article. And yet when you actually meet the
readers at Expo events they are much more forthcoming. So low
feedback isn't necessarily an indication that people aren't reading
or appreciating the articles.
Here in Germany we have a increasing interest in Linux, witch is
reflected in the Fact, that more and more general interest
Computer-Zines have featuring Linux in every given issue.
The leading Zine here (known by the name of "c't", featured the new 2.6
and a very usefull artcle about ALSA in its December-issue an d has
Linux on its Frontcover of 3 out of 24 issues this Year - promising is
it not?
Be shure, that i appreciate *any* competent article regarding Linux and
that i buy each given piece of paper, if i can hope to find something
new about Linux printed on it ;-)
best regards