Am 23.01.2015 um 19:31 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
On Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:57:44 +0100, Hermann Meyer
So far I've tested all from 3.19.0-rc5 down
to 3.4.104
Are yo using a localmodconfig like config? When I build kernels myself
I'm copying a default distro's config and run oldconfig and if wanted, I
add a few settings manually before running oldconfig. Building a kernel
that way, on my aged machine takes around 90 minutes. Since a while
back I usually install Arch kernels build by Joakim, instead of building
them on my own.
Yes, using oldconfig, and afterwards menuconfig or xconfig, if I need to
tweak some more.
With this Quad core it just takes less then half a hour, running in
Well, on the kernels I could even build a kernel in
background, and play with guitarix for the time being, at 128
frames/period without any Xrun. On later ones, I can't open a
text-editor without receive a Xrun.