On Sun, 2006-08-13 at 00:59 +0200, Hartmut Noack
Hash: SHA1
Patrick Shirkey schrieb:
Check the page on the om wiki about plugins. It has links to most of the
main ladspa deps.
Thanks for the hints, Patrick - i installed every last one of the
recommended LADSPA-Stuff unfortunately it did not help:
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Release Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Release Time (s)
I think this might be The Blop Translation Problem(TM). If you're in a
non-english locale (which judging by your domain you probably are) the
blop packager for some distros translated the port labels - the port
names which are stored in patches to load up everything. Oops.
Looks like you're trying 0.2.0 (which is ancient BTW). Your only option
for now is to get a non-translated blop plugins package, or don't load
patches with blop plugins in them (eg just make a new patch and play