Here are a few rough sketches of pieces I have been working on.. (not sure
I will get round to finishing them more than this though):
Piece written with one of the zynaddsubfx arpeggio patches, and seq24..
needs to be redone as the variable filter obscures the melody in places.
Also, I am not convinced it is not already from a piece by Jean Michelle
Jarre (Not intentional though.. can anyone advise?)
Soundfont (FluidR3 I think), and fweelin.. very rough
Bootleg remix of Nirvana/Miss Dynamite (originally done in Acid Pro, but
redone in Ardour with much nicer outcome). Don't download if you are
offended by such behaviour!
Very short weird piece I did this morning on seq24 and qsynth (unison sf).
If anyone has the urge to do anything with these squiggles, please feel