Hi Oleg,
That's exactly what I noticed yesturday evening ! I was going to force the
lucid package but then I got interrupted...
Thanks for the tip !!
2011/1/6 Oleg Ivanenko <oivanenko(a)gmail.com>
I have such issue after upgrading from liblash2 0.5.4-0ubuntu5 to
liblash2 1:0.3~rc20110102-0ubuntu1~lucid1(falkt) where is no
liblash.so.2 . You have 2 ways:
1. force previous version 0.5.4 instead 1:0.3 by falkt
2. ln -s /usr/lib/liblash.so.1.1.1 /usr/lib/liblash.so.2 (I did this
and hydrogen runs successfully)
2011/1/7 jy <jypllx(a)gmail.com>om>:
Hi Gabriel,
So dpkg-query says liblash2 is installed but then
$ dpkg-query -listfiles liblash2
I'm getting my liblash2 package from FalkTX's PPA...
There seems to be something wrong there.
I'll try compiling it and see if it works...
Thanks a lot !!
2011/1/6 Gabriel M. Beddingfield <gabrbedd(a)gmail.com>
> Hi jy,
> On Thu, 6 Jan 2011, jy wrote:
>> strange thing actually,
>> I just tried uninstalling/reinstalling hydrogen and liblash2
>> and now even though apt-get says liblash2 is installed, i can't find it
>> $ sudo locate liblash
> Don't use locate for stuff like this. It's info that is cached daily
> a database.
>> $ ls -l /usr/lib/liblash*
>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 2011-01-06 19:20 /usr/lib/liblash.so.1 ->
>> liblash.so.1.1.1
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9420 2011-01-04 21:05 /usr/lib/liblash.so.1.1.1
> This means that liblash2 is not installed or not installed properly.
>> $ ldd hydrogen
>> ldd: ./hydrogen: No such file or directory
> Sorry... should be...
> $ ldd /usr/bin/hydrogen
> -- or --
> $ ldd $(which hydrogen)
> ...but that's no matter because it appears to be an installation issue
> with lash.
>> looks like the documentation for liblash2 is there (even the deb in the
>> cache), but it's not installed.
>> I tried purging and reinstalling liblash2. it's still not here....
> This will tell you if it's installed or not:
> $ dpkg-query --list liblash2
> If it's installed, this will tell you what files it provides:
> $ dpkg-query --listfiles liblash2
> If it says that it provides /usr/lib/liblash2.so.2.1.1 -- but the file
missing -- then you have an installation issue with liblash2.
Note that /usr/lib/liblash2.so.2 is always a symbolic link to the *real*
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Truly yours, Oleg Ivanenko aka Ash
[if it wasn't so sad, it would be funny]