On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 19:11, Barton Bosch wrote:
I'm going to be doing a fresh install of FC2
in the near future and
am considering using an XFS data partition for music and video files.
It seems that XFS isn't an install time option (according to Disk
Druid). How is an XFS partition added? Does anyone here have any
experiences or pointers to share WRT XFS or XFS and FC2?
The easy way is to make the other partitions as ext3 in Disk Druid,
after you boot up do a df to see what partitions they are on (for
instance, /dev/hda5), umount the partitions, do mkfs.xfs -f /dev/hda5
(or whatever the partition is), edit /etc/fstab and change the LABEL=
part for those partitions to be /dev/hda5 (or whatever), then mount the
Oops. I forgot to mention, change the ext3 to xfs in /etc/fstab for
those partitions.