On Dec 11, 2012 8:09 AM, "Brent Busby" <brent(a)keycorner.org> wrote:
I looked around for documentation on this, even looked at the source
code, so I
thought I'd ask here...
Does anyone happen to know what the "cut" and "cut by" settings in
Specimen's and Petri-foo's "Voice" tab do?
From my recollection it is to do with whether a
particular sample stops
another one from playing - ie open and closed hi hats. You
can select which
sample cuts the other one.
Also, is there any way to make one sample cut off
another in Petri-foo,
such as a hi-hat choke as offered by the Mute Groups in
> --
> + Brent A. Busby + "We've all heard that a million monkeys
> + Sr. UNIX Systems Admin + banging on a million typewriters will
> + University of Chicago + eventually reproduce the entire works of
> + James Franck Institute + Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet,
> + Materials Research Ctr + we know this is not true." -Robert Wilensky
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