On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 10:42 -0500, Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
So, what does this really mean? I am not sure. It
could be simply calm
before the storm (in a positive sense), or it could suggest that both
projects have lost corporate support and consequently vigor inherent to
well-supported initiatives. Yet, reading the comments does bring up some
interesting issues, many of which may very well redefine the future of Linux
as we know it.
there is nothing inherently broken about gtk/gnome, and i myself
perceive it to have grown into an useable and matured stage, except for
performance issues.
at such a point, steady ongoing development can be harmful, in that it
rips open established and working structures. in other words: never
change a running system.
any project inevitable reaches a point where its defined goals are
reached and only a little amount of work remains to be done.
i would call this a settlement, not a stagnation. the usual reaction to
posts like these are: if you want something changed, pick it up, change
it, but quit bitching about it.
please don't forget that this is not a race. we are not dependent on
commercial support. we are a do-ocracy. at least that's how i see it.
Leonard Ritter
-- Freelance Art & Logic