On Thu, Jul 22, 2004 at 11:42:33PM -0700, R Parker wrote:
I've got a pair of Alesis M1 Active and a pair of
Mackie HR824.
I love the Alesis because they are cheap and tougher
than nails. Mine have been abused to no end for about
four or five years. I can mix on these things until my
eyes fall out.
I did that too, and now one of mine is dead :( Still I think there were
very good, and if its not fixiable I will buy more.
My suspicion is that they didn't like being switch on and off at the wall
socket - which I've been doing daily for a few years. I have a big
swichbox that controls 10+ sockets, including my monitors. Probably a bad
When I purchased the HR824 I compared them to about
eight other leading studio monitor manufacturers
products--I'm not talking about the super high end
stuff. The comparisons were all done in the same room.
I used a half dozen CDs with million dollar
productions. Hands down, they sound better than all
the others. I was really impressed by how bad some
monitors sounded. There's a couple monitor
manufacturers getting very good reviews but their
product is garbage. A little research revealed that
these manufacturers are not audio experts, they are
video experts designing audio monitors.
Which ones do you think are crap out of interest?
Phreak the chains, ride the trains, why not you, why
not me, choosing monitors is a crazy lottery, you
spin, you win, you loose, you choose; blah:blah,
blah:blah, blah, blop!
Wow Ron, I can smell the coffee from here ;)
- Steve