Patrick Shirkey wrote:
Now I actually hear what I would call "leftoevers of a kick" below some
fm-ish wobble.
In a final attempt to understand if this is really what I should hear,
could you:
1) Tell which software you used to produce the audio (synths, seqs, how
you captured the audio, how you compressed to ogg). Also what softsynths
were used for which parts? If you write PD or csound I expect one thing,
if you write muse, specimen and "ams for the synthbass" I expect
something else...
2) Upload a wav, mp3 and flac of the same file (of course not extracted
from the ogg, but from the original audio stream).
3) Post a link to something (for instance on youtube) that sounds kinda
like what you're aiming for?
Sorry I'm still doubting what I hear is what you intend, I'm really just
trying to be friendly here :-)