On Wed, 4 May 2016 23:50:10 +0200, Alessio Degani wrote:
You have to give -1 dB before using the +2 dB shelving
(again, two
knobs). I know the math... I was just asking if there exist a tilt eq!
If not, no problem :) I go with shelving.
The only difference using a cascade of 2 shelving in place of a gain
stage + 1 shelving is in the phase response of the system. So in the
90% of the use case there will be no difference between this two
approaches but, again, that's not my original question.
English isn't my native language.
It doesn't matter. If you use a tilt EQ you chose a centre frequency,
if you use a shelving filter, you chose a start frequency, but if you
move the graph, they are the same. If you manipulate the frequencies
you automatically manipulate the amplitude/level of the signal, it
makes no difference what approach you chose. Changing the level of the
frequencies requires to adjust the level of the audio signal.