On Tue, 2009-10-13 at 15:13 +0200, Carlos Sanchiavedraz wrote:
> So you say something like to achieve
little variations of notes
> ("vibrato" alike) depending on the key/finger movement, isn't it? I
> think there is something like that in really expensive
> keyboards/controllers, but not sure.
Some of the older Yamaha organs have this.
The D-85 has a synth keyboard with 'side to side' sensitivity that can
be routed to filter/LFOs etc. No midi as it's a monophonic analog synth.
The whole keyboard moves as you shift your fingers.
I'm mentioning it as these old organs can be sometimes bought for next
to nothing, and it's a helluva lot of sound for the money! Not that far
from a GX1. :)