On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 1:13 PM, <fons(a)kokkinizita.net> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 01:01:57PM -0700, Mark Knecht
What a beautiful room by the way. Few and far
between here in America.
Every medium-sized Italian town has one like this... Maybe not
for long anymore as the Berlusconi government is doing its
best to kill them.
Nor are they all great acoustically. For example Parma's opera
house is extremely dry - the result of adding a layer of plaster
with each restauration instead of removing the old ones and
putting on a single new layer.
Yeah, the modern world isn't the same as when Mozart was accused of
using 'too many notes', but none the less you guys have us (I'm in
California) beat hands down. Newer venues - I'm thinking like the
Disney Center in L.A. - have good sound, but we really lack that old,
historic flavor.
- Mark