On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 10:42 +0000, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
Hi everyone,
About to let you all know that I took this LAU thread to Jules, Trackion's
and JUCE author, and that I got some promising good news.
So to put a long story short: help is being asked to
write the native
Linux Audio and MIDI components of the JUCE C++ framework, which among
other things, would rush the Tracktion Linux port, hopefully this very
year :P
Hope to be doing TheRightThing.
Rui, thanks for taking the initiative on this one! Very encouraging. I
don't want to get all apocalyptic here, but bringing Traction to linux
would (IMHO) bring a sea change to the LA* world. Now that ardour is
getting close to 1.0, and with JUCE (maybe Traction) on the way, we
could really see some amazing things and serious interest in linux audio
from the "profession" :P
Anyhow, I'm certain you are doing the "right thing" since the premise of
FOSS is well freedom and openness with choice being a natural
consequence of both.
And competition always brings out greatness in great people, i.e. ardour
and existing DAWs will only benefit.
Ryan Gallagher <ruinaudio(a)comcast.net>