On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 07:39:07PM +0100, Wolfgang Woehl wrote:
Jon Morin <jon.j.morin(a)gmail.com>om>:
You are 100 percent correct, except for this:
some people (like me)
make our music in a small project studio or apartment, and have no
easy access to great sounding rooms. If I could record my tracks in
Sonically the
most beautiful room to record in is your nearest forest. I
learned a lot about reverberation there. A matter of taste I guess.
Call it great, call it beautiful, whatever. I think it's about whether
you and your listeners can relate to the sonic space you build or not.
It's easy to relate to something that is real, you know?
Turning this on it's head, has anyone experimented with mixing different
sonic spaces in the same piece? I do it all the time in my haphazard,
random and noisy ways. But, I wonder if there are others using this idea
or if it might even be a standard practice to some degree.
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki | Systems Engineer I
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