On 12/29/2010 10:31 PM, Andrew C wrote:
Last time I checked, LS is Open Source, but just not
completely GPL.
Which isn't really much of an issue unless you want to sell embedded
hardware that runs LS of course.
Also, I had this discussion about SF2 and SFZ on the linuxsampler
mailing list a while back. Long and short of it is that SF2 is an
older, monolithic file format with limited modulation capabilities
designed by EMU/Creative whereas SFZ is quite a recently (and open
format, like SF2) developed format that seperates the .wav
multisamples from the programming bits and is designed by
Roland/Cakewalk (but bears no relation to the Soundfont format).
Ok, SFZ seems to
be interesting. But I want to purchase some samples.
Which format do you recommend? I didn't see SFZ yet afaik...
How easy is it to make a SFZ file?