hallo list !! :)
these days I've been working with my first video work, it's a simple
videoclip made with a house theme and some video recordings made by a
photo director and me... after some works with audio and photo, I
think this is the natural evolution...
the music theme is made under GNU/Linux, so I think this is a good
site to post a link, the video not so, it has been made still with
commercials, maybe because I don't know very well how to work with
video yet, so I've used the things I was able to use... I've made a
mobile phones version too, 4 freaks.... xD
well, I hope u enjoy this work... the link is this one:
( I suggest u the download, because the Youtube's preview is awful terrible... )
... any kind of feedback is good, thanks...
B happy... :)
... visit always
http://perlssdj.blogspot.com 4 cool stuff !!...