Probably this should have gone to the list...
Am Dienstag, 12. Februar 2008 schrieb Hartmut Noack:
Arnold Krille schrieb:
freebob can't sync to external clock-sources.
Thanks for the fast response. I inspected the stuff that comes with the
build from SVN and found the ffado-test prog. It looks like this one has
a method to set the clock-source.
$ ./libffado/tests/test-ffado Discover
to find out the ID of the available clock-sources
$ ./libffado/tests/test-ffado SetClockSource 80
This should set the Firebox to the external sync.
Quite sad though, that such a simple information needs to be found out
by forensic methods :-)
ffado can.
One moment please: does that
mean, that jacks freeBoB-backend cannot be
used if I set the firebox to be synced from external S/PDIF? That is: I
need to run jack with ffado as the backend?
Actually I don't really remember. Its been some days since I last did this.
Why don't you just try it? :-)
Even with the
firepod. But the firepod has no mixer and therefor no gui so far. You
need to use the console-tools that come with ffado.
actually the tools, that are
installed by scons install cannot do the
trick for me as ffadomixer does not work with the firebox. The tools
that can do the trick are in tests/ in the build-dir, I found them more
or less by accident...
Yep, that is a valid usability problem for a released package. But wait a
minute: ffado is not a released package!
To be short: There are plans to incorporate these controls into the
ffadomixer. And to have three kinds of things in ffadomixer: the special
mixer-gui for a device (if it exists), a generic gui for the found controls
(but without the assurance that these do anything on the device) and the
generic controls for clock-source, etc.
But as there is only 24 hours a day available, this will take some time and
maybe this will only come in the 2.1-release... but ppalmers is more of an
authority to state these things...
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