On 16/01/12 09:18, Sebastian Moors wrote:
Am 14.01.2012 23:42, schrieb Renato:
I don't know, maybe I'm naive and someone
will correct me, but how
could this be bad? We will still of course have our free tools, plus
many new users which in turn will bring more devs - isn't this optimal?
In my opinion it adds an interesting fact to linux audio: competition.
In my opinion it will also add another, perhaps not so good, fact to
Linux audio: marketing.
If our FLOSS tools are better then those proprietary
tools, why should
we see it as a problem? Let's face it: If a lot of people are going to
choose those proprietary tools on Linux instead of the FLOSS
alternatives, then there is very likely a good point why they do so.
I think what they will choose will be more down to how the products are
marketed rather than how well it works, or which is better product. This
is how it currently works in the proprietary software world. I think it
is unlikely those companies will change their tactics when marketing to
the Linux users.
Constructive discussions could help to find these
points and improve our
FLOSS software.