Am 21.06.2015 um 17:44 schrieb Robin Gareus:
On 06/21/2015 05:15 PM, Unknown wrote:
- carla itself can save the preset of calf organ
How does this differ with setBfree?
Carla can load LV2 presets. It can not save them yet. But of course it
saves and restores plug-in states, also for LV2 plug-ins.
Currently all external control in setBfree is MIDI
only. There are
intentionally no dedicated plugin control-ports to allow lv2-host
independent use (most B3 players use real keyboards with drawbars that
send CC).
I'm not sure I understand or agree with the reasoning behind this. The
advantage of using an LV2 plug-in is having a unified interface to set
plug-in parameters and save their state. Mapping MIDI to plug-in
parameters should ideally be the job of the LV2 host (though, if the
plug-in also has a standalone version, I guess it is easy to implement
internal MIDI handling as well).