On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 10:55:26PM +0200, schoappied
wrote :
I asked a few months ago for a music typesetter with lilypond export
function. I've downloaded the new nted today >>>
And guess what? New! a export to lilypond function :)
I'm starting to like this program!
Thanks for the link, it's quite less weighted than Rosegarden, and it
seems to be more capable of score notation (especially with asymetrical
I just have a question, is there a way to change the drumkey map? I
mean, in my own case the closed hh is on the F# and the open one on the
A#, but the alto and medium toms are on F and A. I could choose a keysig
which would make happen both flats, but there will be other flats that
wouldn't fit in my drummap. And I don't think it's really fine to use
accidental flats on the drum notation.
I think that's the advantage of NtED compared to mscore and rosegarden, it's
very light and fast.
I'm sorry, I can't help you with such a specific question, I think the best
way to ask for a feature is to mail the developer himself:
Joerg Anders <j.anders <at> informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>
Enjoy the program!