I always turn off crond before I start doing any serious recording. I
also turn off syslogd and anything else that can cause a problem. None
of this will compromise your system. I set up a script to turn
everything off and one to turn everything on. Qjackctl has slots to run
On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 20:04, LinuxMedia wrote:
on a RH system
service crond stop
run your audio apps
service crond start
On most other ditributions use (or RH)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/crond stop
run your audio apps
/etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start
Maybe this is too general of a question, but trying to route out the
answer seems like to would take a while. Is it common for any of the
distibutions to set up cron jobs that just *have* to run at a certain
time (or maybe *by* a certain period of time)? I'm talking about stuff
that would compamise my system. I currently run SuSE 9.0 Professional.
Should I take on the task of finding out everything I need to learn to
answer this? I just have too many project to deal with. But turning off
cron jobs seems like another good way to eliminate problems while
recording. I'll take any advantage I can take.