On 16/11/2009, Julien Claassen <julien(a)c-lab.de> wrote:
Take a look at
hammersounds.net, if they're
still up. There's a guy
Gort or Gorth, who specialises in small soundfonts. He distributes them
Not exactly sure about the license, but if you can get hold of him, I'm sure
you can talk to him. I saw his sf2-files in more than one place.
Gort's the fella. His soundfonts are tiny, but they're also very
optimised for the SB Live; the latest versions (v3) aren't horribly
out of tune on everything else like the earlier ones were, but they
still don't sound quite right on anything but an emu10k1.
A bit of digging turned this one up:
It's a 6MB GM soundfont that was distributable with Timidity,
apparently - that might be worth further investigation.