Jan 28 2024, Kevin Zembower has written:
How much
mastering would you like? Do you expect to work more live or work by
things up and then simply rendering to disk?
Not sure I understand this question.
I'm sorry, I expressed myself badly. I meant to ask: do you like to edit
with live feedback, i.e. listen while you adjust things and only at the
very end mix down the result. -- AFAIK Audacity has far more offline
processes, i.e. you set a few parameters and then process the audio and
then listen back. It might be helpful if you find a very standard
processing setup that could even batch process audio. -- I suppose this
is not a very common way and not much in demand. But tools exist and
some people do enjoy it a lot.
Best wishes,
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http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
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I thought love was just a tingling of the skin <3
(Britney Spears)