On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 5:29 PM, hermann wrote:
If you are
musician in the first place, then it's a matter of what
works best for you. If you are geek in the first place, then there's
no way you will abandon free software, so what's the problem? :)
Not so long ago, for most people linux was == open source, that gone
lost more and more. You didn't need to be a geek to prefer the use of
open source tools
Because there wasn't anything else to prefer, to begin with :)
The advance of open source is that knowledge gone be a
community good.
Sorry, I don't understand that phrase.
Okay, for a Musician witch just wone use the best
tools to make Music,
that didn't have any impact, but also musicians could be driven by there
political or social state, and for those the place witch could be called
"home" is slipped away.
Is this still linux-audio-user@, or was I silently subscribed to
linux-politics@? :)
Seriously, it's really, really simple. People who want to make music,
make music. People who want to duscuss politics, discuss politics. Try
mixing it up, and you end up nowhere. It's all about focus.
What I do know is that free and non-free software can perfectly
coexist. There will always be people who can trade some robustness and
extra features over "free" (in all meanings) and ability to contact
developers directly. And there will also be some free software that is
(in many ways) better than its proprietary counterparts.
Personally I don't care if people use just free software or mix free
software with non-free software in their workflows. I'm interested in
music. In other words, and that's something I say a lot, if you've
deliberately chosen free software, put it to such a good use that
noone would dream of questioning your choice. _Then_ you might
discover the whole free/non-free topic suddenly not all that worth
Alexandre Prokoudine