On Tue, November 13, 2012 2:36 am, Asa Marco wrote:
To change
things to 48k you would have to do that outside of ardour. I
would suggest against doing that except as a final step after mixdown
as any time differences from track to track in the resample would be
magnified by such a long track. Even in shorter cases stereo imaging
could be affected. It would be best to leave 44100 if at all
possible. If the end product _has_ to be 48k then expect a (hopefully
small) loss in quality.
I would choose between 44.1KHz and 48KHz on the multitrack recorder,
so outside of Ardour. Since audio sources are radio microphones whose
specs report a band of 40-18000Hz I think 48Khz would be an unuseful
oversampling (provided a small use of DSP), am I wrong?
Yes choose the final sample rate at the record time. avoid oversampling if
you can. If you already have the tracks recorded at 44.1k, I think
oversampling as a final step rather than on the tracks makes sense, but I
could be wrong. If you have all single tracks (not stereo) it may be
better to oversample first before you make stereo images.
Anyone else have an opinion on this?
Len Ovens