On Wed, 7 Dec 2011, Philipp ?berbacher wrote:
Excerpts from Julien Claassen's message of
2011-11-24 23:23:33 +0100:
Hello again!
Allright, here's the F major invention played on a harpsichord. No
additional processing at all. The reverb was part of the gigasample. Enjoy:
Or via the website:
Nothing more to say really. So have fun.
Warmly yours
Well, it's a harpsichord. Given that, it's rather nice :)
I just got around to listening to this...
That's a fantastic harpsichord sample. Where did you find it?
+ Brent A. Busby +
+ Sr. UNIX Systems Admin + Vote for Cthulhu.
+ University of Chicago +
+ James Franck Institute + Why settle for the lesser evil?