On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 02:58:35PM +0200, Felix Homann wrote :
Hi Wladimir Ohrelianov II,
that works without any accents ;-)
Oh, well, I'm being unmasked, then... Holy s***.
2013/6/12 Aurelien <tyranorl(a)free.fr>
You're part of that project?
Yep, i'll be bass player, and Brown Moses. And actually, I'm writing the
code stuff and pd patches used for videoprojection.
Great! Please, tell me that your using an FTU on stage. That would make me
feel like being a tiny part of that show :-)
Sorry about it, but I really can't find what an FTU is (though I have
the impression to have read this already).
(OTOH, I hope you dismissed the FTU for something better..)
Thus, I don't understand this either!! ;)
I'll try my best to come there but will probably be on stage myself
somewhere else.
Oh, well. Let me know if you're there. We should surely at one moment be
at Freakshow Tent with Charly (the guy you got to know if you're living
in Germany and loving this kind of music).
Ike Willis... Have I said "Wow"?
Don't know, but if not, I did for you several couples of times!!!