On Sunday 16 March 2014 19:56:32 Ralf Mardorf did opine:
Gene :)
ok, when I've got the time to do it, I will borrow the Brauner VM-1 tube
mic + an ART tube pre amp from a friend, connect it directly to my RME
HDSPe AIO and pick Blackbird from the Beatles on my classical guitar and
do a recording at 48 KHz and 192 KHz.
I don't know what will happen, but I suspect there will be no audible
Even with tons of string squeaks from wound strings and heavily callused
fingers, I doubt if that would reach high enough to be a valid test. You
need a few crickets singing in the background, (typically 17 Khz) and some
heavy action on a brushed snare drum to generate very much in the range of
sound that would test it for sure. A "white noise" generator made out of
the usual 17 stage xor gated shift register for feedback, clocked at 50Khz
or more might be a good test, the white noise will seem to have a odd,
often disagreeable, definitely non-harmonious pitch to it.
But I haven't seen that schematic in yonks. Take a look at
Some of the longer ones are pretty decent. the 17th register addition is
one I heard once, sounded pretty white to my ears at the time.
Cheers, Gene
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