On Monday 17 September 2007 19:43, Thomas Kuther wrote:
> > Maybe try a more recent version of nvidia
drivers. Sounds yours is
> > quite old, version.h is gone some time already. Latest nvidia should
> > work fine.
> Erm, no.
> I'm using the latest NVidia driver with a release date of June 2007.
> There isn't a more recent one.
> NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-100.14.11.pkg2.run
> I needed to update it when I upgraded my video card. So maybe NVidia
> need to update their drivers to work with 2.6.22?
Oh, that indeed is the latest one.
I successfully compiled and installed that here today against kernel-source. That's why I thought you must be using an
older one. But that box is running openSUSE 10.3beta - so maybe there is
some incompatibility between 10.3 and 10.2 after all?
Oliver contacted me off-list. Apparently its because of the GCC version used
to compile the kernel packages for SUSE 10.3. Packages for 10.2 have been
made available but I appear to be having non-local network problems so having
difficulty downloading them.
David Haggett