--- iriXx <m(a)irixx.org> wrote:
ok..... i'm trying this... same steps as last
make sure alsa-data, libalsa2 and libalsa2-devel
rpms are installed
cd /usr/src/alsa-driver
make uninstall
make clean
removed all modules from
(others are internal sound for thinkpad 600E which i
havent got working
yet but i build them anyhow!)
make produces a lot of this stuff... anyone know
what it is?
Hm. Sorry, I could be wrong, but are you installing
the rpms, then installing the sources? My
troubleshooting ideas were not a sequence of things to
do, but a list of OPTIONS.
What you want is to EITHER uninstall the tarball
builds and go with the RPM's, or uninstall the alsa
RPMS (and clean up the modules), and then do a clean
install from the tarballs. I though you had done the
latter before...maybe I am still missing something.
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