On Mon, 20 Feb 2023 18:08:45 +0100
Christopher Arndt <chris(a)chrisarndt.de> wrote:
I was feeling rather pious this past weekend, so I put
the rainbow strap
on my keytar and wrote this little hymn to celebrate the resonating
universe and the holy FM synthesis.
Ogg Vorbis download:
MP3 download:
Composed and produced by Christopher Arndt in February 2023.
Recorded in Ardour 7 on Linux with a Yamaha Reface DX FM synthesizer and
a Kurzweil PC3K into a MIDAS MR18 digital mixer and audio interface.
All sounds from the Reface DX, except bass drum and snares from PC3K.
Sounds used: "Flute DX" and "Organ Slow" by Tom Ansink [1] ,
"RetroChoir" (modified) by Jeremy Mulders [2], "Dulciclone" and
C2" by me, "Basic Orch Perc" from PC3K factory presets.
Effects added in the DAW: reverb from "LSP Impulse Reverb Stereo" and
Samplicity M7 "North Church" impulse response and from "DFZitaRev1"
plugin, multi-band EQ and compression on master bus using "ZamAudio
ZaMultiCompX2", and "Calf Saturator".
Inspired by a video from Alex Ball: "Dulcitone 1900 | Blessed are the
music makers" [4]
Share & Enjoy!
Took a while to find time for this, but very enjoyable indeed!
Will J Godfrey {apparently now an 'elderly'}
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.