Russell Hanaghan wrote:
Hi all,
Oh...FWIW.... I LOVE you guys! :)
Good that someone does :)
I would like a list of preferred apps from anyone who
responds. If you
had an Audio LiveCD you could pop in your machine and boot it up, what
would you most prefer to see there?
I have sampled them all recently and while they look great, work
reasonably well and have lots of stuff in them application wise, I'm not
convinced the simplicity is as honed as it can be.
1. What are your top 10 critical "must have" audio apps?
1. Jack (If this is an audio app..)
2. Ardour
3. MHWaveedit
4. Freewheeling
5. Seq24
6. Hydrogen
7. Aldrin
8. ZynAddSubFx
9. OM
10. Ninjam
2. What are your top 5 utility apps?
Not sure what you mean by "utility apps", but i'll try:
1. XJadeo
2. Wide selection of LADSPA plugins
3. Jack Rack
4. GNormalize
5. VLC (Wish it had jack support)
3. Considering a mid powered box, (say 1800mhz, 1
gig ram, etc) what
is your favorite WM or desktop?
XFCE or Gnome.
4. How many people *don't* have at least a DVD
read only drive that
you can boot from?
Have one.
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