lanas wrote:
Until now I was naively thinking that The Source of any package
was where 'It' was. Eg. To get, compile and install a package,
the web page of the package's project was where to get it.
A colleague at work started to seed some doubt. He's totally
pro-Debian and one argument is that the Debian people are
patching source packages to fix things. And they eventually
submit their patches upstream. And some are sometimes rejected,
for whatever reasons.
Following that thought, then we can say that the Fedora/Red Hat
people are no fools either and they also patch source packages to
fix things. And they also submit to upstream. And it could be
that some of these patches do not make into the upstream package
for whatever reasons.
And then the SuSE people, the Mandriva people, the 64Studio
people ...
Would this then mean that actually a distro can be better than
another in a slice of time t ? That you would not find that
Qjackctl or Ardour (only examples, no bugs in there .. :-) bug if
you use distro x over distro y ?
What are your opinions on this ? Are any of you believing that
using a certain distro brings more stability regarding the
applications ? This is not about the integration of all
applications into the system/desktop but rather strictly on a
software development/bug fix basis. Can one distro be better than
another because of the fixes the maintainers of that distro do on
the packages ?
Possibly. But I suspect that the quality of the maintainers of
individual packages various, and averages out to be about the same,
regardless of distro.
I like Debian because I think it has a better package management system
than RedHat, but that's just personal preference. There are folk that
prefer distros like Gentoo because it makes configuring and compiling
from source very easy, so their view of package management will be
I've never pursued the cutting edge when it comes to audio software in
particular. For awhile, I ran a mixed Debian Testing/Experimental setup,
with the rarewares repository included, but I got tired of simple
updates taking down the entire system. ;-)
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